Board Effectiveness

A high-performing, purposeful board can do more than just guide the ship — it can raise the tide.

Board of directors assessment and development

Even the most well-functioning boards perform well below their potential.  They invest in financial oversight, M&A and risk management but often underinvest in leadership and succession planning. Often, uncomfortable questions aren’t asked soon enough, diversity is not harnessed into diverse ideas and perspective, and they wait too long to establish a disciplined process for succession management. 

How we partner with you

Based on extensive research, ghSMART has found that successful boards demonstrate competencies that lead to three, distinct outcomes that produce results: the right Priorities, the right Who (people), and the right Relationships (PWR).  

Our PWR model leverages this insight to help boards, committees, and their directors operate at their full potential by accelerating value creation and minimizing risk. Boards trust us to align priorities to unlock potential, clarify roles, identify needed capabilities and enhance working relationships as a board and with the management team.

What you can expect

Our solution includes a rigorous and objective board of directors assessment and feedback process to build and sustain high-performance — both for individual directors and the board as a whole.  

We will deliver compositional and strategic recommendations to drive real and constructive change. We’ll help you clarify desired outcomes for key roles, design a robust succession planning process, focus on the right risks, identify value drivers and create trust and transparency between the board and CEO.

To sustain your high-performing board, we’ll align on competencies to screen new directors, creating a purposeful path forward — one aligned with company strategy and aimed at value creation.

“ghSMART helped us get clarity on where we are already strong as a board and what we can do to prepare ourselves for the future. They were able to connect the dots with great insight and deliver what they find with utmost professionalism.”

Board member
Fortune 500 global IT services company

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