Nathan Jenner
Washington, DC
Nathan serves leaders on leadership development and coaching, management assessment, top team effectiveness, innovation, and organizational change initiatives, and advises boards, executives, and investors on their most important leadership challenges.
Nathan was appointed a member of the Market Risk Advisory Committee, created by the government’s financial markets regulator (CFTC), to advise on technology and financial market functioning and structure. Nathan also serves as a Mediator & Conflict Resolution practitioner at NYCID and has led restorative justice interventions as a Peacemaker at the Center for Court Innovation.
Career Highlights:
BTS, Senior Client Partner for Leader Development, Innovation and Change Leadership
Bloomberg L.P., Global Head, Market Transparency Products.
Bloomberg L.P., Chief Operating Officer, Electronic Markets,
JPMorgan Chase, VP, Structured Derivatives
Columbia University, MA Organizational Psychology & Change Leadership
College of Executive Coaching, Executive Coaching
Aston University, BSc Psychology and Business